Monday, July 23, 2012

Visit from Mom and Dad!

Mom and Dad came down to visit us this weekend and we shopped til we dropped, saw one really good movie (Rock of Ages – so good!  Had to stop myself from singing along with every song) saw one not so good movie (This Means War – what is the appeal of Chelsea Handler anyway?  I think she is so annoying) ate tons of good food AAAAAAAND got to pet some penguins at the Idaho Falls zoo!


Here’s Dad doing what Dad does best… grilling steaks!  They were sooooo good!


Roxy and Hurley could not get enough of my parents, it was funny to see them fighting for their attention!

We went to the zoo to see the penguins and it was such a cool experience to be able to play and pet the penguins!  They were black-footed penguins from South Africa!  So fun!  We got a special treat too, cause they brought out two of the baby ones for us to play with! 


Monday, July 2, 2012

Heat Wave!

Holy cannoli, it has been soooo hot here!  Everything is growing super fast, which is nice, but it’s also been a pain trying to keep everything watered! 


My rose bush is blooming already!  And they are gorgeous!  The combo of my Dappled Willow tree and my rose bush is probably my favorite thing in my yard, I just think they look so cute!


We had some “issues” with the zinnias in the front flower bed, and by “issues” I mean they all died, so we replaced them with these cute pink dahlias and things are looking much better now!  However, the zinnias in the side flower are doing awesome, they are like two feet tall!  It’s so weird!


The garden is coming along nicely too, we already have a pepper coming and we are going to have a TON of raspberries even though it was the first year they were planted!