Jordan and I have been dying to get out and work in the yard, we are so excited to basically have a blank canvas to do whatever we want to it… but that being said the weather hasn’t felt our same sense of excitement so we have been keeping ourselves busy with crafty things and adding homey touches to our house.
Jordan never fails to leave me in awe of all his talents. For example, I was on Pinterest one day and I found some curtains that I liked, so I showed him and he goes “we can make those” and I go “Really?” So off we go to get fabric, we borrow his Mom’s sewing machine and ta-dah! Jordan makes the curtains! They turned out so nice, complete with super cute ruffles!
We also decided that the kitchen needed a pop of color, so again Mr. I Can Do Anything just whipped these up, he honestly makes it look easy. He made these cornices in a couple of hours one Saturday! They look so adorable with the green in the kitchen, so happy and bright!
And lastly, Roxy has a ton of bandanas (a girl’s gotta accessorize right?!) and they have been overflowing out of the basket I have to keep them in, so I told Jordan that I needed something to hang her bandanas and Hurley’s jackets up on… this is what he came up with! So cute! Now I can see all of them at once and they are up and out of the way! Perfect!
Sometimes I feel bad for girls who don’t have crafty husbands! jk jk jk It’s more that I always just feel extraordinarily blessed!
Love it all. Jordan, can I borrow you please?