Oh my gosh, are we glad this week is over! Painting the house was another one of the projects we decided to do ourselves, so this weekend after the professional painter had come in and painted everything white we went in to add color where we wanted. So 10 gallons of paint and 3 days later, we finished and we are seriously exhausted. A big thanks go out to Arden, Jan and Kabel for coming over to help, pretty sure Jordan and I would still be down there right now if it wasn’t for them. But all in all, the paint turned out really nice! We love the colors we choose and how they look sooooo good next to the thick white trim. We have one more room to paint this week, the office, and it’s going to be a mystery color! Just try and guess what color it will be!

Got our driveway poured this week!

I couldn’t wait to take the tape off, I was like a kid on Christmas morning…. so pretty!

Green kitchen….. Blue master bedroom and bathroom….

Jordan painting above the stairs on his make-shift platform… aka the scariest thing I have ever witnessed him doing! If he had fallen, that would have been a long way down! I almost passed out watching his do this!