Monday, December 26, 2011

BuSy, bUsY, BuSy…

Many times Jordan and I will seem to have fallen off the face of the planet because you don’t hear or see us for weeks on end… fortunately, we are very much alive and well!  We have just been spending most of our time working on the Wave Break!

Recently, we made new stands to put out at all the gas stations we sell at in town and in Idaho Falls.  They are the top half of a surfboard and I think they turned out really nice!


Just a few of the boards we made…


This one is my favorite!

We have been making so much stuff lately, that we finally came to a point that we all felt it was time to expand… and lucky for us Jordan’s parents willingly sacrificed the third bay of their garage and we moved in!  It took a lot of work and we appreciate all time that Arden put into helping us build our new home, but it turned out great!  It’s got lots of storage and lots of functional work space and for the time being we are going to be quite happy in our new little bakery!  But hopefully, one day we out grow that too! 


We had to paint practically EVERYTHING as part of the state health codes….  PS, isn’t he just the cutest?!


Ta-dah!  Finished, fully functional, licensed bakery!


Can’t say I love the concrete floors… maybe in January the Wave Break can get me some gel floor mats for my birthday… hint hint Jordan….

Next up: the wedding Fair in early January… I didn’t really enjoy going to those when I was a bride and I can’t imagine I will enjoy it as a vendor, but hey, everything we do is always an adventure!

The best Christmas present ever!

For months, with Arden’s help, we have been fighting with the county for them to finish the road in front of our house… well, my friends, they finally did it!  And they finished just before Christmas!  Making that the best Christmas present ever!!!


It’s like driving on a cloud!  Well, not really.  But in comparison to what we had been driving down, it’s awesome!


Roxy stood at the window and barked/growled at the workers the ENTIRE time they were out there working… such a good guard dog… almost too good actually…

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Jordan and I loOoOoOove our new house!  And slowly but surely we are getting all the decorating finished.  We recently finished the main bathroom and we are just a few decorations away from having the guest bedroom finished!


Guest bedroom… I love that red wall - it was worth the hours of work, gallon and a half of paint, and stream of tears that it caused because it took 8 coats to finally get it all covered.


Old Hollywood bathroom!  Love the vibe this room has now!  Too bad we basically only use it to give the dogs baths…. haha!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Inside Chateau Smith

Ok, so for everyone who has been asking, here are some pictures of the inside now that we have some of the rooms decorated.

PS  Please notice how Hurley managed to get himself in half of the pictures… silly dog


The kitchen (looking from the laundry room)          (looking from the dining room)


(looking from the family room) Roxy looking pretty and Hurley being a creeper in the bottom left hand corner…


Family room (looking from the kitchen)


(looking from the front entrance)


Our bedroom (looking from doorway)         (looking from closet)


Hurley matches our bedroom décor quite well…


Master bathroom, complete with vinyl lettering of the chorus from mine and Jordan’s favorite song… awwwwwe!!                    


Office/guest bedroom… we took a lot of heat for painting a room bright yellow… but I love this room!  We gave it a kinda surfer feel with the Quiksilver duvet and surfboard vinyls….


We still have the two other bedrooms to finish and the main bathrooms… but we have ideas for them, we now just need some time to actually work on them!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week 12

After only a few quick months (that only seemed like forever) our house is complete! We even managed to get our fence up and sod part of the yard! Now we just have to wait until the house closes and it's ours to move into!
The sod after it was put in!
Here is a panoramic view of the yard from the corner of the house.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 11–The Inside is Complete!!!


So this week we had to work really hard and get everything we were doing done before 8/1/11.  This involved lots of painting, grouting, sealing and other finishing tasks.  It was a lot of work but it was well worth it. 



Shutters, Lights and House Numbers Oh My!


Carpet and Vinyl!!!!


All the lights are up!!!


Bathroom Fixtures and Amazing Tile, Thanks Arden!!!!!!


The Yellow Office and Red Guest Bedroom!


Dirt for our newly fenced back yard!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 10

We are in the home stretch!  The painting is all done, the tiling in the master bathroom is done, the vinyl has been put in the kitchen and bathroom and the cabinets and countertops were added this week!  Also, Jordan and Arden started building the fence!!!  Weeeee aarrrrrrrrrrrrre ssssssssooooo cloooooose toooo beeeeeeing doooooooone!!  I can’t wait!!!


Beautiful cabinets!!


Gorgeous cabinets in the bathroom!!  And the amazing spa like bath tub and shower!


The Cadillac christening the driveway….                         Thumbs up from Mom and Dad!


Digging post holes…                         That fence is looking good!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 9

Oh my gosh, are we glad this week is over!  Painting the house was another one of the projects we decided to do ourselves, so this weekend after the professional painter had come in and painted everything white we went in to add color where we wanted.  So 10 gallons of paint and 3 days later, we finished and we are seriously exhausted.  A big thanks go out to Arden, Jan and Kabel for coming over to help, pretty sure Jordan and I would still be down there right now if it wasn’t for them.  But all in all, the paint turned out really nice!  We love the colors we choose and how they look sooooo good next to the thick white trim.  We have one more room to paint this week, the office, and it’s going to be a mystery color!  Just try and guess what color it will be!


Got our driveway poured this week!


I couldn’t wait to take the tape off, I was like a kid on Christmas morning….  so pretty!


Green kitchen…..                                                     Blue master bedroom and bathroom….


Jordan painting above the stairs on his make-shift platform… aka the scariest thing I have ever witnessed him doing!  If he had fallen, that would have been a long way down! I almost passed out watching his do this!