Lately there has been a reoccurring theme in my life and that is the realization that I am getting older and becoming a grown-up.
I always knew this day would come...
and I think I have been a grown-up for awhile now, but it just seems that recently more things have been bringing this fact to my attention. Such as:
- It snowed for the first time this year and so that means it was Hurley's first time out playing in the snow... well, it was all cute until he wanted back in and I realize that he had snow frozen to his leg fur (as seen in the picture). I kept looking around and hoping that there was someone else there who would sit there and free him from the snowballs adorning his legs, but nope, there was no one. I'm the grown-up now, so I worked the snow out of his fur.
- Jordan and I were given tickets to see the new Harry Potter movie this weekend, but it was a private showing that started at 12:30am! Despite the fact it was a really good movie, I totally fell asleep. If it had been 3-5 years earlier, that never would have happened!
- A teenage friend of mine was telling me how heavy it was to carry her books from class to class and I asked her why she doesn't use a backpack... I was quickly informed that backpacks aren't cool. Then it dawned on me that I didn't use a backpack when I was in High School, I knew they weren't cool - but it's been so long that I had totally forgotten!
- On Friday afternoon, I cleaned my oven. Only grown-ups clean their ovens!
- Jordan just bought me a Dyson Vacuum. I am more excited about that vacuum than you could ever imagine!!!
Despite the fact that sometimes being a grown-up makes me miss the carefree days of no responsibility, I would never go back. Life just seems to bring better cooler things the more grown-up you become (ie: college, marriage, careers, eventually kids, etc. So bring on grown-uphood, I am ready for it!