Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reason #8,439 why I love my husband.... Thai-Giving!

Monday is Thanksgiving Day back home in Canada... I can just picture the scene now - my Mom is mashing the potatoes, Dad is carving the turkey, Alana is playing with Ava and Logan, Mom is telling Jeremy not to eat all the olives and pickles before Dinner... *sigh* I miss that.  But being the wonderful husband that he is, Jordan wouldn't let Canadian Thanksgiving pass-by without having a dinner for me.

But seeing how I don’t really like Turkey, well, I like Turkey, but only sometimes.  It’s just not something that I would ever choose to eat if there were other choices for me… anyhow, so Jordan decided to be super ambitious and make Thai food for our mini Thanksgiving celebration, thus making it Thai-Giving

Jordan did an amazing job; we had Drunken Noodles, Chicken Wraps with Peanut Sauce and Fried Rice!  For serious!  And it was really, REALLY good!  (and he made lots so we have leftovers to eat tomorrow too!  Nice!)  So this Thanksgiving, Thai-Giving, I want to let everyone know that I am so thankful for a loving husband who travels to 3 different grocery stores to find all the particular ingredients and then spends hours making me a delicious Thai-Giving dinner!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We're alive...!

Hello everyone, sorry it's been so long since our last post... and to all those who thought that Jordan and I had died due to our lack of communication, we appreciate your concern - but we are very much alive. So if you didn't hear much from us, don't be offended, life got a little crazy near the end of the summer and after basically 2 months of working super hard, I kinda decided to just take a month off. And it was wonderful! But now we're back and ready for the rest of 2010!
Like I said, our summer was jammed packed; besides the usual taking care of the house and yard and summery type stuff, both of our jobs have been insanely busy and we also had some of our biggest orders ever for our side business - a few weddings that ordered over 1,000 items each! And then it was time for the Fair and being a man down with Tyson out on his mission meant that everyone had just a little bit extra to do this year. But the fair went great, it's been an awesome summer, and we are already gearing up for it to be a busy Fall - which will mostly be centered around the fact that Jordan and I have offered to chair and co-chair the annual Snake River Education Foundation's Halloween Carnival Fundraiser. And we expect everyone in the Blackfoot area who's reading this to attend!
Anyway, yes, we are alive, and if anyone has any costume ideas for what Jordan and I should be this Halloween, we would love to hear them!