Behold! After waiting a year and a half, I finally got my coveted Dyson vacuum!
It is everything I imagined it would be... I am a very happy girl right now.
Monday is Thanksgiving Day back home in Canada... I can just picture the scene now - my Mom is mashing the potatoes, Dad is carving the turkey, Alana is playing with Ava and Logan, Mom is telling Jeremy not to eat all the olives and pickles before Dinner... *sigh* I miss that. But being the wonderful husband that he is, Jordan wouldn't let Canadian Thanksgiving pass-by without having a dinner for me.
But seeing how I don’t really like Turkey, well, I like Turkey, but only sometimes. It’s just not something that I would ever choose to eat if there were other choices for me… anyhow, so Jordan decided to be super ambitious and make Thai food for our mini Thanksgiving celebration, thus making it Thai-Giving!
Jordan did an amazing job; we had Drunken Noodles, Chicken Wraps with Peanut Sauce and Fried Rice! For serious! And it was really, REALLY good! (and he made lots so we have leftovers to eat tomorrow too! Nice!) So this Thanksgiving, Thai-Giving, I want to let everyone know that I am so thankful for a loving husband who travels to 3 different grocery stores to find all the particular ingredients and then spends hours making me a delicious Thai-Giving dinner!
My in-laws have the biggest raspberry patch I have ever seen! I’m not even kidding… it’s huge! It’s so massive a small child could get lost in it without proper supervision… Ok, maybe I over-exaggerate a little, but still, it’s big. Anyway, when the raspberries are ready to pick it becomes a full time job to keep up with them. Luckily though, I already have a full time job, so those responsibilities fall on Jan and Kabel (and I truly feel bad for you two). But seeing how during the summer Jordan and I enjoy having a bowl of fresh raspberries for breakfast, we have to venture down there to pick enough to last us the week. Well this week, that task was squarely on my shoulders since Jordan went up to the cabin. So I woke up early today (gotta get out there before the sun makes it too hot to pick), put on my rubber boots and bug spray, tied a bucket around my waist and I was ready to go!
I get out there and the patch is exploding with berries! It was a pickers paradise! I have to admit that I am a pretty good raspberry picker; I have nimble fingers that let me pull the berries off without crushing them but my hands are also big enough to hold onto a bunch before I have to put them in my bucket. I’m not too tall so bending down to get the lower berries doesn’t suck too bad, but I’m tall enough that I can at least be spotted when I’m deep in the patch. And also, being taller helps when you have to reach way into the patch – cause inevitably, there’s always going to be that absolutely perfect berry that you spot that is just barely out of reach and you have to get up on your tippy toes and stretch way out to be able to grab it.
With Buster Brown there to keep me company, I started picking. Now picking comes with it’s occupational hazards such as scratches on your arms or the horrors of when you are about to pick a berry and just before you touch it you see that it has a big, gross spider on it. Oh and also, sometimes I forget that they have a plastic owl up to keep the birds away and occasionally I will look up and see it and get scared cause I think an owl is about to attack me. But all in all, picking raspberries is great! Today I could stay in the same spot for 5 minutes and not run out of berries to pick there! And I swear they were ripening as I was picking cause I would stay in one spot and pick and go to dump my bucket into the pans I had off to side and I would walk back and see tons more berries that I missed! So after about an hour, I had two pans full of fresh raspberries to eat this week as well as the realization that summer really is the best time of year!
Jordan and I went to the Idaho Falls Airshow yesterday and it was a great time! It was a beautiful, sunny day – not a cloud in the sky, with just enough wind to keep the heat and bugs off. But besides the ideal weather conditions, they had the Blue Angels perform! Check out this video we took of them….
Amazing right?! They were honestly so good and so entertaining, yet the whole time I was watching them I couldn’t help but think of the greatest movie of all time – TOP GUN! Yes, it came out the year after I was born and yes it’s a little cheesey at times… but it has all the elements that a cinematic masterpiece should have. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry (I’ve seen it a million times and I still lose it when Goose dies…), it has some of the best one-liners (ie: "I feel the need... the need for speed! Oww!!") and when your done watching it you feel like making out on a motorcycle down by the pier while fighter jets fly overhead… or maybe that’s just me? Anyway, not only do those things make it awesome, but it also features Tom Cruise at his finest (pre-Scientology craziness), Val Kilmer at his hottest, and it made it super cool to wear aviator sunglasses (and I thank Top Gun for that everyday of my life). So here’s to you Top Gun, you have made this world a better place!
Disclaimer: This is only my opinion… Jordan does not think Top Gun is the greatest movie of all time. I made him watch it once… he’s had no desire to ever watch it again.